Google Search Testing Blue Mark -An Overview

What is Google Search Testing Blue Mark? Fake website links are becoming an emerging problem for users. It is the main reason for various scams with the users. It happens when large and famous brands mimic websites that resemble the original ones.

How can you avoid with the scam services? This article will tell you the effective solution to handle this problem. Now Google is adding new features to the company’s websites to ensure safety. This is Google search testing Blue check mark. Moreover, with the help of this users can differentiate between authentic and fake websites.

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What is Google search testing blue mark?

Google is always striving hard to ensure online safety. 

One of the company spokesmen says, 

“We regularly experiment with features that help shoppers identify trustworthy businesses online, and we are currently running a small experiment showing checkmarks next to certain businesses on Google.”

Why is Google search testing blue marks?

To protect the users from seeing harmful information about the businesses. Sometimes most famous brands have mimic websites which ultimately deceive the users and harm the brands.

Although Google has many automated systems to prevent fraudulent content, Google’s search testing blue marks proves to be the best.

How does Google search testing blue mark work?

A blue checkmark icon is shown which ensures the authenticity of websites. However, Google does not take responsibility for whether the product or business is reliable or not. This is an extension of Google’s Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) feature. 

 “This icon is being displayed because Google’s signals suggest that this business is the business that it claims to be.”

Availability of Google search testing blue mark

This safety precaution is available for the very small number of famous websites. Because famous brands have millions of users so this is applicable for these websites.

This checkmark is shown by websites like Microsoft, Meta, Apple, Epic Games, Amazon and HP. When clicking over the checkmarks a short description emerges showing that.

If in the future Google enhances this technology it would possibly lessen the number of scams. Also, the users will get rid of deceptive advertisements.


Will Google search testing blue mark roll out to all?

Google is not sure when this screening feature will be available to all websites. But when will this happen only time will tell. This will ensure greater safety for the users.

According to Google News, they are not sure when this feature will be available to other sites rather than commercial. This will be a full turn for those who consider Google searches are not authentic.

Google Gmail blue check mark system

This feature is similar to Gmail’s blue check mark system which was introduced in 2021 to ensure the authenticity of emails. In which senders have to display a brand logo in their emails. By utilizing this feature users will now see a checkmark icon for senders that have adopted BIMI.

Email Marketing Service

Bottom line 

Although this security system for Google search testing blue marks is only available to some sites, it is expected in the future it will extend to all famous brands and websites. 


Is the blue check mark on the google?

    It is Google’s new verification feature in which users see a blue verified checkmark in important business websites.

    What does the blue check mark get you?

      It means that the website you are visiting is real but not fake.

      What is a Google search results preview test?

        This is a tool to check page title length which is recommended 70 characters and page description 160 characters. This tool also ensures the proper display of your content in search engines.

        What is the blue check mark status?

          This mark shows the verification status of any account website or mail.

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          Noor Fatima
          Noor Fatima

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