2024 is a Dating Method because after the fall of TV, everyone in the world will have lost many forms of entertainment; pictures will be the only thing easily remembered!
before diving into “How to use pinterest analytics for better growth and traffic monitoring” . Well it depends. bigger businesses can also be free; not only is service expensive, but the plans offer much more to our clients. It depends on your circumstances or what business customers you know.
Our people produce articles since hist today. If you have a stronger operation and more resources, you can set up your own site; but maybe sixty or seventy percent of people reading this go somewhere else due to copyright reasons.
How to run Pinterest ads perfectly??
Well, in my post, I’m only briefly mentioning the metrics shown on your dashboard of your business account, because they actually are only of interest to Pinterest and matter none at all to website owners such as yourself. Most people should refuse to be entangled in a trap before it’s too late … faster metropolises need to become like-large-town communities: it takes a lot of energy to force people into changing.
ChinaThemeBThey only included a few metrics in it, right Even the Chinese people aren’t as concerned with vanity metrics like today’s cognitive psychologists think.
But first things first…
Where do I find the Pinterest analytics?
Before explaining more about “HOW TO USE PINTEREST ANALYTICS”. To get into Pinterest analytics, you must use a business account. If you have a personal account, you can change it to a business account and within one week you will see your first data in Pinterest analytics.
The option in your business account is for this URL https://analytics.pinterest.com. You can also click the Analytics link in the left-hand corner and then click Overview.
As for Pinterest analytics, what does impressions mean?
If you turn to Profile and Website analytics you will find the first figure, but don’t pay attention to impressions alone as they do not correspond to your actual traffic.
Another important point that Pinterest won’t tell you
Pinterest says there are “impressions,” but there aren’t. What they call “impressions” is just a way to make us think of the traffic, but this doesn’t give you any real numbers.
Impressions: how many times a Pin from your profile was shown on Pinterest (this includes category feeds, search results and Homefeed).
Pinterest also shows average daily viewers under average daily Impressions. 1/14/00 (1.67%) did not see this pin when she visited again on three.
Note: It includes every Pin you saved to Pinterest plus all Pins other people saved from your site as well as any linked accounts.
Click Through Rate:
You’re still with me, right? I told you that Pinterest presents a lot of vanity numbers–about which this is one. Who cares how many times people have seen your pins? What matters is, where these impressions generated clicks.
I would check impressions only to understand how well pins are being converted into click-throughs. At the account level, though, no one can have a sense of the big picture. Some pins can be a hundred times more popular than others: maybe thirty, maybe forty. Going for an average just leads you to wrong conclusions.
I too suggest checking Impressions on the pin level. If you something getting extraordinarily high impressions but very few clicks, that’s pin may have something wrong. Perhaps you need to put a text overlay on it, or perhaps you can make your pin more interesting-my god, even with a call to action.
Understanding the Pinterest Analytics Dashboard
Starting with the Overview tab of your Pinterest Analytics.
Here you can see the Profile information on your Pinterest domain, and how widely your pins have appeared.
Pinterest Profile contains your profile data on saved, seen and clicked pins.
How many visitors can be converted to a customer from a visitor that might. With this report, we can compare Monthly Viewers month vs Engaged Audiences. If we are able to make a significant impression on people with our domain, we can expect more impressions.
Here daily A pin’s impressions are also frequently observed.
Top performing pins are also listed here on the Overview page of the website. But here the top 5 pins by within views only. You can’t see the top pins by clicks in this case.
Metrics for Different KPI’s on Pinterest
I’ll skip profile analytics for now. An excellent decision–don’t you agree, since all four of them are the same in Website analytics?
So what can we gather from this?
Impressions are a count of how many times a Pin from your website appears in the Pinterest home feed, category feed or search results. I would only look at this number to compare with your Profile impressions, so you can understand if your site has lots of pins that get shown as compared to whatever you pin from around the Internet. However, being shown does not mean you are getting clicks or saves.
displays how many times your image has been saved by pinners to their boards. This number is a good indicator of whether or not users think your content is interesting; and those that save (more often called repins) are given prominence in Pinterest. Try searching for any keyword on Pinterest, then looking at how many repins appear on the front page results.
that’s how much traffic you have from Pinterest to yourdomain. I believe it’s also one of the user engagement factors in Pinterest SEO which effects pin’s popularity and rankings.
How many times have users created unique pins from your website using save buttons or the Pinterest browser extension or uploaded pins manually with links to your site? It’s an interesting question…
All – This report shows who has shared pins the most, and what’s the top pin in terms of search result rankings? It can also display “Power Pins”: pins saved and clicked upon often or—a mix of other metrics too.
Showing the frequently-searched pins is a good idol. But this report Pinterest has to improve as much as possible: completely doesn’t work for anything else.
You can’t see which Pinterest keyword affects the ranking of each pin
That pin will be found at what height can.
In addition, most pins I see in this report are not hot. Also, I can’t find them by any of the relevant keywords.
This is Pinterest’s native save button. If it’s set up on your site, you’ll be able to see the number of times readers have saved pins from your own domain by pushing the button.
The top-performing lists for impressions – as well as saves and clicks- are: (Note: only the last 30 days!)
Top pins
he top performing 50 pins (can be filtered by impressions, saves and clicks)
Top Boards- Your top 50 boards (not necessarily your own– this report will include others who have saved your pins as well). Also can be filtered by impressions, saves, and clicks
Pinterest Audience Insights
When you are trying to solicit a sponsored article, I find the data in the Audience Analytics is very helpful—it shows demographics, in addition to what are your followers’ favorite things about Pinterest.
Country, language, gender, metropolitan location and devices your users are using.
Categories and Interests
This report shows clearly which niches (categories) and topics (interests) your audience is really into.
For example, my audience consists mostly of people who are interested in Health: eating and nutrition.
The Affinity metric is used in this report to show your audience’s interest in particular topics compared to the rest of the Pinterest population.
Best Pinterest Analytics Tools – Free and Paid
The first you need is the native Pinterest analytics, which I’ve been going on about to everyone until now. You will only have access to Pinterest Analytics using a business account. Now let’s move on to the other tools.
How to Track Traffic from Pinterest
More often than I use Pinterest Analytics on the actual platform, I usually depend on Google Analytics to gauge my Pin interest.
This is because I am more concerned about the Pinterest traffic that my blogs generate than with nonsense numbers such as Pinterest impressions or Pinterest audience. In Google Analytics, Pinterest traffic is found in the following places:
1. Placement >> Social >> Network Referrals >> Pinterest
Here in the record is a list of articles which draw lots of Pinterest traffic, and if you click on each post you’ll see which pin url that drives traffic to the URL.
Go to Acquisition >> All Traffic >> Referrals
You’ll find here a list of pin URLs which get more Pinterest traffic.
Tailwind Pinterest Analytics
To get full access to Pinterest Analytics, too, you get to use the paid version of Tailwind for scheduling pins.
You can get the first month of Tailwind for free here.
In Tailwind analytics, you can find Insight in the upper right corner of the screen.
First you’ll see then is Profile Performance – basic information about your account’s overall “health”. Such as follower growth, repin rate and number of comments.
The number of pins and followers is not repins and comments totals for in Tailwind, as you can only see in Tailwind analytics.
Next, Virality score – not found in Pinterest Analytics are the good data:
Virality score – the total number of Repins (saves) you’ve received divided by the number of Pins you have ever saved to Pinterest.
Engagement Score is calculated by dividing your total Repins by all of your Pins and then by per thousand followers.
How you might ask!
Engagement Rate is the percentage of your Pins with at least one Repin.
Tailwind Board Insights
You also see which boards are popular in Pinterest’s own analytics but on Tailwind Insights, you’ll get additional data like virality and engagement scores for individual boards.
The data from Boards Insights could be used to evaluate your own boards, but it also works on group boards. You can then decide which group boards are worth your time, and which can be deleted or archived. Here is why you should analyze the performance of your group boards.
In Tailwind Analytics Pin Inspector you will see your data based on the last 5000 pins, and even pins saved manually are tracked for Tailwind stats.
Since your audience is interacting so well, this report can be especially good at helping you recognize the most popular topics. You can then make more content around them.
When you come up with a list of high-performing Pins in your niche, you can choose to reschedule them right from that pages or add them directly into your tribes.
In Conclusion: This was an educational and we hope entertaining blog post (at least we have tried) on using analytics for Pinterest. Pinterest analytics is not easy to read or understand, which is why you are also reading this page, right?
There is so much info in this post, so I’d just like to summarize briefly:
1. The figures in native Pinterest Analytics are of the highest value to the platform. For you, what counts is how many visits the site gets, this can be tracked better by using Google Analytics.
2. Use Pinterest Analytics to find which items are really popular with people, and write more of them to expand your traffic.
3. Tailwind Analytics will give you some more indicators outside Pinterest Analytics.